Fibre Weaving
Glass Blowing
Jewellery Making


The Jury Committee of the EFST invites applications from area artists. The dates for the 2025 tour are:
September 27-28 and October 4-5

Our Mission:

The Mission of the Elora Fergus Studio Tour is to create events that inspire the appreciation and recognition of our art and craft. By opening our working studios to the public, we provide an opportunity for direct sales, education and enjoyment while fostering a cohesive and collaborative arts community among our participants.


  1. The applicant’s studio and home address is located within the boundies of Centre Wellington.
  2. Studio tour members are expected to show artwork in their working studio. Due to exceptional circumstances exceptions may be granted on an individual basis. Application to the executive may be made to review your request. 
  3. The applicant must be an artist in pursuit of professionalism and artistic growth.
  4. The artist must be prepared to demonstrate and/or discuss their work during the tour.
  5. The artist must be willing to volunteer time to help with the organization of the tour.
  6. Only work created by the artist may be sold during studio tour weekends

The tour is intended to showcase original one-of-a-kind art and craft. Art reproductions and artist designed mass produced items should take a very minor role. Consumables such as soap, preserves and candy or work made from kits or molds not produced by the artist are not permitted.

New Applicants:

Deadline for Applications: Must arrive by January 31, 2025

Email application and WeTransfer images to: info@elorafergusstudiotour.com

INCLUDE 6 IMAGES of current artwork as follows:
● present one strong body of consistent cohesive work for the jurors to be able to judge. All artwork submissions should relate visually with similar medium and style;
● ensure that your images are HIGH QUALITY, clear, in focus and well-lit so that the jury may properly assess your work;
● if applying by email, please send images via WeTransfer. To open a free account, visit www.WETRANSFER.COM to set up. This is necessary for acceptance!!!!!

● a LIST OF THE IMAGES with size of the work and a description of process including medium;
● an ARTIST BIO that includes links to your Website, Instagram and Facebook pages. Your bio should give the jury context on the body of work they are looking at and should be written in the first person;
● a CURRENT CV with any pertinent information such as current & past shows, awards, etc.;
● a completed APPLICATION FORM (save form to your computer and rename with your last name first) ; and
● a $25 DEPOSIT (non-refundable) via e-transfer to: info@elorafergusstudiotour.com or via cheque if mailing.

Voluntary committee work is necessary to keep our fees at a reasonable rate. If you are unable to participate as a volunteer, you may pay an extra fee of $300 to waive the obligation. If you are accepted on the tour, you will be assigned to a Committee where help is needed for the current year. You will be emailed a description of the Committee you are assigned to. Each subsequent year, Committee sign ups take place at the first General Meeting held in the Spring.

*New applicants will be assessed by a jury of established tour members. Notification of acceptance will be issued by February 28th. If you are accepted, you will be notified and be required to pay the membership fee of $300 (if volunteering) or $600 (if notvolunteering) no later than March 1 st

Returning Members Application


Fill in application (save form to your computer and rename with your last name first ie. ‘Perry app form’) and email to: info@elorafergusstudiotour.com Your $300 membership fee is due no later than March 1st. Voluntary committee work is necessary to keep our fees at a reasonable rate. If you are unable to participate as a volunteer, you may pay an extra fee of $300 to waive the obligation. Option 1: $300 Option 2: $600
Fee(s) can be remitted by:

 Those returning from a sabbatical of more than one year must reapply as a new member following all of the listed guidelines. Those returning from a one year absence will fill out a member’s application.

Email: brochure image to: shirley@shirleyal.com (2.5”x 2.5” 300dpi) by March 1

Contact Us

If you have a Question about Elora Fergus Studio Tour please email us.

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